
Bundle is under active development. If you feel there are features missing or you’ve got a great idea that’s not on on the roadmap please open a discussion on GitHub.

✅ Injecting Bundle’s core on every page

Added in v0.1.3

This will reduce every import’s size slightly. But more importantly; it will greatly decrease the chance of unexpected behaviour caused by race conditions, since the Bundle’s core is available on pageload.

✅ CSS loader

Added in v0.1.4

Bun doesn’t ship with a CSS loader. They have it on the roadmap but no release date is known at this time. We plan to support CSS loading out-of-the-box as soon as Bun does!

Plugin support is a feature we’d like to experiment with. If that is released before Bun’s builtin css loader does, it might be possible to write your own plugin to achieve this.

✅ Initable exports

Added in v0.5

When importing a local module, the only method to immediately invoke some code is by using the IIFE export method.

An alternative API is possible that would make it a bit easier to structure your code. Consider the following example script in resources/js/some-module.js. (needs a jsconfig.json for path remapping)

export default () => {
  // Some bootstrapping code that needs to be invoked immediately

By using init on the import component you’ll instruct Bundle to run that function immidiatly. You don’t need a as alias in this case.

<x-import module="~/some-module" init />

This approach will also make it possible to use named exports in combination with a init function.

export default () => {
  // Some bootstrapping code that needs to be invoked immediately

export function someFunction() {
  // Do something

In this example you do need the as prop, since in addition to running the init function you are also retrieving a named import.

<x-import module="~/some-module" as="foo" init />

<script type="module">
  const someFunction = await _import("foo", "someFunction");


Backed Alpine components

This would be a nice feature, but impossible at this time. I would like to implement something like this at some point, if even possible.

Consider the following simple toggle component in resources/components/toggle.

export default {
  open: false,

  toggle() { = !;

It would be incredible if this object could be forwarded to Alpine directly like so.

<x-import module="~/bootstrap/alpine" />
<x-import module="~/components/toggle" as="alpine:toggle" />

<div x-data="await _import('alpine:toggle')">
  <button x-on:click="toggle()">Expand</button>

  <div x-show="open">Content...</div>

Optionally assigning a import to the window scope

It could be convenient to provide an api to assign imports to a window variable by use of a prop. This idea is still settling in so might change.

<x-import module="apexcharts" as="ApexCharts" window />

Better exception messages

We need better exception messages & add more problem solutions. There are a lot of different scenarios to account for and we need your help! If you think we should provide a Ignition solution for a specific error please reach out via GitHub.


Add documentation for implementing CSP using Bundle. In most cases configuring appropiate headers should do the trick.

In order to support ‘unsafe-inline’ a small update needs to be made so a nonce is injected when Bundle’s core is loaded on your page.

We might add a feature to enable CSP for Bundle’s core & auto injecting nonces on rendered script tags for you. Though this is not high on the list of priorities at the moment. Contributions are welcome!